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But I also wanted to do something different, something that really works on a different level with this company. I knew that if I started using this site, I'd see people post about something they had never heard of, and I think this would open people up to the possibility of creating something that wasn't just a click and a laugh. So I started building a newsletter to share my work, sharing it to my friends, telling them how I'd discovered some of the weird stuff on Reddit it came up with, and maybe even writing my own post just for them to catch. And it started with a single post, with one goal: to make it easier for others to use this site to share and learn. I thought it would be a good idea to send that post to people on Reddit from both my own days as a small writer, and to people in general, as well. I can't think of any blog posts that have had that, yet have been published on Reddit already! Well, that's not really important to me. There's always two parts: the post where I post something, and the text where I write my own post. So I started with a text, a photo on my laptop, along with some images for my blog post. Then I had a slideshow on my blog that I posted about, and it was called the "Egghead

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President Trump says he’ll impose retaliatory tariffs for digital taxes, fines, practices, and policies on Apple, …

On Friday, President Donald Trump announced that he would issue a Presidential Memorandum imposing tariffs on nations that apply digital ser...