[New post] Dream says PewDiePie used him for “clickbait” with video about cheating scandal
Marino posted: " Dream explained that this was YouTube coming around full circle – as he had previously used PewDiePie for clickbait when he was a very smaller creator. Now, with his channel having over 24 million subscribers in a ridiculously fast timeframe, it's D"
Dream explained that this was YouTube coming around full circle – as he had previously used PewDiePie for clickbait when he was a very smaller creator.
Now, with his channel having over 24 million subscribers in a ridiculously fast timeframe, it's Dream's name that is pulling in the views, demonstrated by PewDiePie's July 15 video.
YouTube: PewDiePie
Titled 'Top 10 Streamers Caught Cheating', the thumbnail features Dream's name and his logo, and has already racked up around 3 million views. However, PewDiePie doesn't actually spend all his time talking about Dream's controversy.
Pewds concluded that while Dream shouldn't have done any of it, he argued that "he isn't as bad as other [cheaters] though."
Dream was very quick to respond, writing on Twitter, "starts with me using PewDiePie for clickbait and ends up with him using me for clickbait POG. The circle of YouTube."
no hard feelings to pewds either people are upset on my behalf, it's all cool
He was fast to make this clear that it wasn't an attack on PewDiePie, but simply an observation. "No hard feelings," he said, "it's all cool."
And Dream has certainly used PewDiePie in more than one of videos on his own channel. On his main channel, there are five videos that feature PewDiePie's name and/or face in the thumbnail.
Dexerto says "Dream is likely just amazed at how far he has come in his YouTube career, that now even the most popular person on the entire website is using his name in the thumbnail of videos.
And, at the rate Dream's channel is growing, it might not actually be long until he's catching up with PewDiePie. He has gained over 21 million subscribers in only 12 months – but this would still be a few years away from catching up on PewDiePie's 110 million."
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